Philanthropic Guide

Different giving vehicles provide different advantages, based on your personal situation and philanthropic goals. For a printable Philanthropic Guide, please click here.

Philanthropic Guide

How to Make Your GiftYour BenefitsMVH Benefits

Outright Gifts of Cash

Write a check to MVH or charge your gift to a credit card here.See the immediate impact of your gift at MVH. For tax purposes, if you itemize, you will receive a tax deduction. MVH is able to use your gift to immediately meet current needs in the area you designate.

Outright Gifts of Securities

For securities held in a brokerage account, certificate form or mutual fund shares, MVH can provide you with the necessary information to make the transfer.See the immediate impact of your gift at MVH. For tax purposes, if you itemize, you can deduct the full fair market value of the securities. You will also avoid capital gains tax on highly appreciated securities. MVH is able to use your gift to immediately meet current needs in the area you designate.

Donor Advised Funds

Establish a donor-advised fund through one of MVH's public charity partners.Make grants to MVH and other charities on your own timeline, and promote the value of philanthropy within your family. Receive an immediate tax deduction. Possible savings on capital gains tax if funded with long-term assets. You can request annual grants from your donor-advised fund to support MVH and name the Hospital a remainder upon your passing.


Name MVH as a beneficiary of a specific amount or percentage of your estate through a will or trust.Make a provision for the future of MVH. You retain full control of the funds during your lifetime. The estate will receive a tax deduction.Upon your passing, MVH will use the funds in accordance with your designation.

Gift of Retirement Assets

Name MVH as a beneficiary of all or some percentage of your retirement account using the form provided by your plan administrator.Make a provision for the future of MVH. You retain full control of the funds during your lifetime. You can make a gift from the most highly taxed assets, leaving more favorably taxed assets for your family.Upon your passing, MVH will use the funds in accordance with your designation.

Gift of Life Insurance

Create a new life insurance policy based on a maximum five-year premium payout schedule in which MVH is the owner and beneficiary of the policy.Leverage your philanthropic dollars for a much larger impact on MVH. If you fund a new policy, your premium payment that comes to MVH are tax-deductible.Upon your passing, MVH will use the funds in accordance with your designation. Cashed out policies can provide immediate impact.

Charitable Giving Annuity

Establish a charitable gift annuity contract with MVH that guarantees one or two individuals a fixed amount of income for their lifetime. Annuitants must be 65 or older to begin receiving payments.Make a provision for the future of MVH. You will receive a guaranteed, fixed income for your lifetime. For those who itemize, you will receive an immediate tax deduction based on the remainder.Upon your passing, MVH will use the funds in accordance with your designation.

Charitable Remainder Trust

Create a trust that pays a fixed percentage of the trust's assets or pay a fixed payment annually to one or more individuals. This is a way to benefit multiple charities in your philanthropic plans.Make a provision for the future of MVH. You will receive fixed or variable income for life or a term up to 20 years. For tax purposes, you can claim an income tax deduction for a portion of the gift amount.Upon your passing, MVH will use the funds in accordance with your designation.

Charitable Lead Trust

Create a trust that pays either a fixed or variable income to MVH for a specific term of years, after which time the remainder is passed along to your heirs. See the immediate impact of your gift at MVH. You will significantly reduce your taxable estate and pass along assets to your children or grandchildren in a more tax-efficient manner.MVH is able to use your gift immediately to meet current needs in the area you designate.

Outright Gifts of Real Estate

Donate property outright, reserve a life estate where you continue to live on the property or donate property in exchange for life-income.See the immediate impact of your gift immediately or make a provision for a future impact to MVH. You will be able to take an income tax deduction and reduce or eliminate capital gains taxes.MVH is able to use your gift immediately or upon your passing to meet needs in the area you designate.

Contact the Development Office

  • Denise Flynn, Chief Development Officer | Email

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Contact our Development Team at or call (508) 693-4645